Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Fleet Camera and GPS Tracking? All in One Unit?

We have been looking for a device that would increase the Fleet Safety of our company.

There are quit a few devices out there that say they can do this.
Ask any GPS tracking Provider and they will tell you that by adding a Fleet Management System to your fleet, that it will be safety.

GPS Fleet Tracking
Ask a Fleet Camera supplier and they will say the same. Each have a point and can provide an added level of safety to any company.
knowing where your employees are at any given time is a big advantage and seeing speed alerts can definitely help you coach and counsel your driver on better driving habits.

Having a video of a driver during a "Event" will help you do the same.
The problem is, you may need both to prove the highest level of safety to your fleet.
But where can you find a system that gives you both.

I think the search may be over.

A live streaming 3G continuous recording camera, that can provide a fleet tracking suite.
All in one device.
3G DashCam
We even found out that you can get anywhere from 2 to 8 cameras. Really. And the 2 camera system starts at just under $350.00, plus what ever data plan you choose. The 1GB plans starts at $29.95!   Add $8.95 for a GPS Fleet Tracking plan and you have a system that gives you continuous recording, live streaming Video and a full featured GPS tracking suite.

I think some may be paying that for just tracking.

This company is a Women owned business, based in Michigan and has been in this vertical for over 12 years, and i bet you have never heard of them

Safety Track

Safety Track.

It has everything in the name.
Check them out.

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