Monday, November 30, 2015

Posted Speed Alerts

Safety Track, today announced the release of Safety Track's new SpeedLimit, a new real time alert function that will notify fleet managers and owners when a vehicle moves faster than a posted speed limit while traveling on major highways and motorways. Additionally, this information is available on secondary roads in 60 cities throughout the United States.
Safety Track's SpeedLimit is an improvement on the existing speed alert functions that have been available for the last 10 years. Previously, drivers had to travel faster than a predetermined set speed before the GPS would generate an alert. With the Safety Track's SpeedLimit real time alerts are sent when a driver travels a customers predetermined limit over the posted speed limit of a specific road. Safety Track's SpeedLimit uses new posted speed limit information now available from Google Maps, the leading provider of digital map data; to compare vehicle speeds to the actual speed limits of the roads customers travel. When exceptions are recognized, email alerts are sent to dispatchers and fleet owners within 30 seconds to help them better understand their drivers’ habits.
Over the years, customers using Safety Track GPS fleet management systems have been able to encourage their drivers to change unwanted driving behavior resulting in fewer accidents and less overall vehicle maintenance.
The main causes for car accidents are reckless and negligent driving. Company drivers who drive more than 80% of their annual mileage on work related journeys have more than 50% more injury accidents than similar drivers who do not work on the roads during the day. Business drivers typically have collision rates that are 30-40% higher than those of private drivers.
Safety Track's SpeedLimit feature is now available for all customers using the Safety Track GPS Fleet Management System for an additional $3.00 per vehicle per month. Users of the application can select Posted Speed Alert in the Alerts application and activate this feature automatically. Customers can also access the Posted Speed Alert Report to provide a summary for any vehicle or fleet.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

How Do I Protect My Business from the End of the 2G World?

Most GPS devices purchased prior to late 2013 run on a cellular data network called 2G. 
The issue is that mobile providers like AT&T are stopping 2G support and taking down the cell towers that support 2G networks. So, what does that mean for your GPS vehicle tracking? If you have 2G devices installed, you may already be experiencing signal degradation which means your tracking coverage may be spotty or non-existent in certain areas.

So, how do you know for sure whether or not you have 2G installed? 

Your first step is to contact your GPS tracking provider. 

They should be able to tell you what technology you’re running on. If you’re on 2G, the bottom line is this – it could be time to install new devices.

Click here to learn more!

Friday, November 13, 2015

What is 2G and Why Should You Care?

Does your business use GPS tracking to monitor vehicle location and driver behavior? 
If so, when did you purchase your GPS tracking devices? 
Most GPS devices purchased prior to 2013 run on a cellular data network called 2G. 
The issue is that, many major data carriers plan to turn off the 2G network by the end of 2016, so they can repurpose the cell towers for newer data services that deliver faster speeds and larger bandwidth. 

This means that your vehicle tracking could be subject to network degradation which means you could be paying for service with spotty coverage.

To avoid interruption in your GPS vehicle management, you should plan a migration strategy to minimize impact on your business operations and bottom line. 
That’s where Safety Track comes in. They offer a future-proof network with the best coverage available! 
You’ll be 2G-Sunset-ready and have wider reach, more reliable connections and faster network access!

Click here to learn more!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Fleet Tracking with a Connected Car option

One of the biggest enhancement in the Fleet Tracking vertical is the addition of a Connected Car "Hotspot".

Now fleet managers can outfit their fleet vehicles with a fleet management system, one that gives them 30 second updates, along wit a hotspot built into the tracking module.
Let your drivers benefit from the hotspot to do paper at the customer location.

Connect up to five devices to give a office environment for your office staff to use while traveling.
4G LTE speed gives you the added speed and with Verizon network, you have nothing to worry about.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Fleet Camera and GPS Tracking? All in One Unit?

We have been looking for a device that would increase the Fleet Safety of our company.

There are quit a few devices out there that say they can do this.
Ask any GPS tracking Provider and they will tell you that by adding a Fleet Management System to your fleet, that it will be safety.

GPS Fleet Tracking
Ask a Fleet Camera supplier and they will say the same. Each have a point and can provide an added level of safety to any company.
knowing where your employees are at any given time is a big advantage and seeing speed alerts can definitely help you coach and counsel your driver on better driving habits.

Having a video of a driver during a "Event" will help you do the same.
The problem is, you may need both to prove the highest level of safety to your fleet.
But where can you find a system that gives you both.

I think the search may be over.

A live streaming 3G continuous recording camera, that can provide a fleet tracking suite.
All in one device.
3G DashCam
We even found out that you can get anywhere from 2 to 8 cameras. Really. And the 2 camera system starts at just under $350.00, plus what ever data plan you choose. The 1GB plans starts at $29.95!   Add $8.95 for a GPS Fleet Tracking plan and you have a system that gives you continuous recording, live streaming Video and a full featured GPS tracking suite.

I think some may be paying that for just tracking.

This company is a Women owned business, based in Michigan and has been in this vertical for over 12 years, and i bet you have never heard of them

Safety Track

Safety Track.

It has everything in the name.
Check them out.