Thursday, May 1, 2014

Replacing Your Fleet Tracking Supplier!

There comes a time when you ask yourself, why am I staying with my current GPS fleet tracking provider(Nextraq)?
Maybe you bought from a local GPS fleet tracking reseller, someone you knew, or they sat in your office. You built a relationship with them. They understood your business and what you wanted from a tracking provider. They installed the system and serviced you for all your needs.

THEN, the GPS Fleet Tracking service provider (Nextraq) decided they wanted to cut out the middle man and take over the account. They even may send out an email saying "Everything will be OK"
How did you respond?
Was everything OK.
 Is the service better, or worse?
 Do you know the person at the end of the phone line?
Do you now have to call the provider to get someone to come out and fix a problem.

Whatever happened to things like:  

Have these been replaced with the term - profit?

If you are in this boat and are tired of the way you have been treated. 
Do you want someone who is willing to work for your business, or you just feel that you are paying way too much for the product you get.
Then maybe you should look around.
If you are paying more than $27.95 per month per vehicle, than you should be looking around.
We have a new program, no hardware cost!  $27.95 and no hardware cost?

There are companies out there that still have integrity.  
Will work for your business.

Call us, Safety Track, we will work for your business.  

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