Monday, September 5, 2011

When is the Right Time for GPS Tracking?

This is an age old questions that seems to be asked all the time.  When do I really need to track my fleet? Is Fleet Tracking right for me?
Is it when there is an economic downturn, or is it after I find out that someone has stolen my vehicle, stolen time from my company, or stolen gas from my fuel card?  All very good time to ask this particular question, but is it too late them. Is it like closing the barn door after the cows are out?
The cost of tracking your fleet has come down over the past few years. Competition has lead to a buyer’s market. Hardware costs are falling, with airtime doing the same.  But like any other technology, the lowest price isn’t always the best buy. Think about what feature you really need, must have.  Feature you would like to have. See what the cost difference is for system with the different feature.
Some fleet owners like going directly to the manufacturer and “think” they are getting the best price for the system.  But really what they are getting is “that” system.  What if it doesn’t give you the entire feature you need? They sell you they system and hope it covers all the features you want. Going to a dealer that may sell three of four different systems, can hear what it is you are looking for, can give the system that fits your needs, and not one that may not. Find a deal that has been doing this for over five years.  They know what is going on in the industry.
Take your time and ask the right questions and see just how knowledgeable they are.
The time to buy a GPS Fleet Management and Tracking System may be closer than you think.

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